Durex Rickshaws
When thinking of a new and innovative way to mark the Launch of their new EMBRACE product, Durex could think of no better way to generate interest throughout the streets of London than to use our bright and innovative Rickshaws. Through the use of our innovative and attention grabbing rickshaws and with the help of our very experienced in house design team, we were able to design a unique experiential campaign for Durex to launch on Valentine’s day. We were very proud to be a part of this unique campaign where we costume designed lighting around our rickshaws and gave free rides to happy couples throughout Central London, together with our team of energetic and fun riders, we were truly able to create an unforgettable experience.
Our fully dressed rickshaws looked beautiful in this clear valentines night, the lighting was sure to call the attention of everyone walking around the packed central London streets. Together with a very strong street marketing team we were able to speak to many happy couples enjoying the fresh night air, hand out samples and take many people on a beautiful mini tour around Central London; a perfect end to a romantic evening! The event wasa complete success, with many pictures taken and shared though social media and a definite buzz being created about EMBRACE.